How to Remove Heavy Metals

Find the best ways to remove toxins from your body, including how to remove toxins naturally.

Your body considers alcohol a toxin and will basically stop trying to digest food you ate to get rid of the alcohol and this can cause the food you ate throughout the day to be stored as fat. – Scott Herman

Why Remove Toxins Improved Health

Our daily detox (zeolite) supports your body’s natural immunity, restful sleep, sustained energy, clarity, and focus by removing the toxins.’

The science is here.

When the toxicants are gone, all the rest of your cells can function, your organs start functioning, and then you have health.

Even in small amounts: – toxins can store in your fat cells, making it hard to lose weight. Mess with your memory, clarity and focus. 

Interfere with your immune system. Disrupt your endocrine system, affecting your energy. 

Toxic concerns can also make it hard to fall asleep, or you have poor sleep quality, 


If you are not convinced yet -Where do toxins build up in the body?

80% of the immune system lies in the gut so if your digestive system is not in good shape, you will accumulate toxins in your body and your health will suffer. 

Researchers are now attributing 95% of all diseases to complications within the gut.

Jana Clinton 🌿 Healthy Aging

Is Your Body Telling You to Detox?

 I help women experience healthy aging to avoid life-changing illnesses.

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